Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday, September 1

I'm still very tired and could have used a few more hours of sleep. My head is mush! So I decided I needed a hot chocolate today to try and wake me up a bit. I go into the kitchen at work to make my hot chocolate and I spot the cake boxes from yesterday. The last Monday of every month, we have cake and ice cream to celebrate the birthdays from that month. It's a great treat, in my opinion, but probably not so great when trying to lose weight. So I decide that chocolate cake sounds really good right now with my hot chocolate, so yep, I ate a piece. Not a big piece, but a reasonable sized piece. And it tasted great! I'm still pretty friggin' tired, but I enjoyed the cake and this hot chocolate is pretty good too.

I have to say that I'm actually glad that cooler temperatures are here. I need to get out and start walking again. So tomorrow I lunch, I promise I'll be out there walking. I'm also glad that September is here because it means my brother-in-law will be home from Iraq soon and that makes me very very happy! And in November, they're coming home to visit for Thanksgiving. I can not wait!!

This post is going to be all over the place. I told you I'm tired, so I'm just expounding on different thoughts that come into my head.

I love food. I won't deny that. My life pretty much centers around food. I love to cook. I love to eat. I love reading food magazines and I love watching anything about food on television. You've probably heard the saying: Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. Well I'll tell you, I've never been thin, but I sure have found lots of very tasty things in my life and I'm not sure that thin is going to feel better than those things taste. I just don't believe it.

I do love cooking. I just don't have a big enough kitchen. Nor do I have enough time these days. With working 2 jobs, it's very hard to fit in time to really cook. I'm thinking about taking a healthy cooking class, but again, where will I find the time? One of my other goals these days is to get my debt paid off. Once that happens, I'll be quitting job #2. And I'm hoping that once the debt is paid off, we'll be able to afford to buy a place of our own. I want a house with a huge kitchen. I don't really care about any of the other rooms. Just the kitchen! And I want to have a nice big patio/deck/terrace right off the kitchen so I can have a nice grill set up out there for outdoor cooking and dining. Ahhh...if only you could see the picture in my head. The place would be amazing and then I could have dinner parties and bbq's and just friends over. Oh, I guess I'd need to get some local friends too.

But first things first...no more cake for breakfast. That has to be the last time I do that. It was good, but will it be worth it? I don't know. I may not make it to my WW weigh-in tomorrow. With Mom in the hospital, I may be visiting her after work so I may miss my meeting. I know, you're all waiting for me to post my weekly weight, but you may have to remain in suspense for another week.

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