Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September 2, 2009 - WW Weigh-in??

Well, it's Wednesday which means I'm supposed to be weighing in at Weight Watchers tonight. But, I'm heading over to Boston Medical Center to visit my Mom after work and may not get home in time to head over to weigh in. We will see.

I'm not expecting any big weight loss this week because I have been stressed and haven't really been tracking what I'm eating. And there hasn't really been any exercise. But today at lunch, I am planning on walking. It won't be the power walk that I used to do because I want to head up to Borders so I can pick up some books & magazines to bring over to Mom tonight. I will get in more walking on my way over to the hospital too because there isn't an easy public transportation option to get over there. But it's going to be a perfect day for walking.

Breakfast today will be my english muffin and hard boiled egg again. Then I have a nectarine for my morning snack. Lunch is going to be turkey with avocado and tomato on a deli flat. If you haven't tried Deli Flats they are great. They are from Pepperidge Farm and they are round, thin little roll like things. They are only 1 point and they make the perfect sandwich. Arnold makes something similar, but I haven't tried those yet.

I did get some good news last night, but unfortunately, I can't share it just yet. So you'll all just have to wait and keep reading to find out what it is. It has nothing to do with my weight loss plans, other than it should relieve some stress.

Have a great day everyone!

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