Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Weigh-In Day

I'm still not expecting big things at tonight's weigh-in, but we'll see. Check back here tomorrow morning for the result.

In the meantime, I guess I should talk about my Skechers Shape Ups. Have you heard of them? They are sneakers that are supposed to improve circulation, correct your posture, and give you a work out when you are walking. (For more info, check out the Skechers website). I've had mine for about a week now and I do notice a difference. I'm definitely standing up straighter. I can feel it, but I can also see it when I'm on my Wii Fit. For anyone who has ever used the Wii Fit, when you do your Body Test and it checks your balance, I've never been good at getting it in the middle - not even close. But this past week, I'm almost dead center every time. I'm also feeling some tightening in my leg and butt muscles. So they appear to be working as they should. Of course, it takes work on my part too. They aren't miracle shoes. I do need to walk correctly in order for them to do their job, but I'm learning to do that.

I'll keep you posted over the coming weeks on how they are doing, especially since my walk for JDRF ( - still time to join my team or make a donation - PLEASE!!!!) is only a few weeks away now and I plan on wearing them then too.

The shoes retail at Skechers for around $110-120. My store (shameless plug - Off Broadway Shoes) sells them too for $99.90. Since I get a discount, I was able to save a few $$ too, which is always a bonus.

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