Monday, January 10, 2011

Weekend Wipeout?

Ok, not exactly a Wipeout, but it's so much harder to stick to a healthy eating plan on the weekends. Eating out is tough, although I'm sure I made better choices than I normally would. And when I'm home for long periods of time, I find myself munching...but I have to say, that I munched a lot less this weekend than I usually do - very good for me!!

I did some workouts too, but I'm sure I could have done more. Face it, we just get lazy!

I need to really focus on the weekends and not let myself think of it as a "vacation" from eating healthy and working out.

Weight Watchers tonight, so we will see what the scale says. I expect it to be down a little.

I have discovered that with the new Points Plus plan, the WW muffins which used to be 3 pts are now 5 pts. So needless to say, I won't be getting those muffins anymore. I don't see that as a good use of 5 points. I'd much rather have my Fiber Plus bars at 3 points each. And now they have a new flavor: caramel coconut fudge. It tastes just like a Girl Scout Somoa cookie (did I spell that right?), but they are so much better for me than the cookies. Not sure I want to tell the hubby though because then he'll eat all my fiber bars. Think I'd better stock up on a few more boxes.

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