Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Biggest Loser - Season 11

I am a big fan of Biggest Loser. I think the show is a real inspiration and has been a real help to people who need to lose weight in order to save their lives. Season 11 started last night and, of course, I was watching - and working out while I watched. I can honestly say that the show was what inspired me to make some changes in my life and start losing weight. Granted, I wasn't as heavy as most of these contestants on the show and I am happy to report that I no longer qualify (and haven't for some time) to even be on the show.

I know there are many naysayers out there. They think the show is unrealistic and that while these folks may lose weight on the show, they all gain it back. But that isn't true. Yes, when they are on the ranch, they are under strict supervision. They only have access to certain foods and they work out, on average, for 8 hours a day. Most of us can't do that. But what they learn on the ranch is very valuable to helping them maintain a healthy lifestyle and that is the key. They learn about proper nutrition and they learn how to work out properly. And while some do regain the weight, the majority have not. The majority have changed their lives and they are living healthier and happier. That is what the show does for people.

As I said, Biggest Loser has inspired me and I don't work out 8 hours a day. I don't even average 1 hour a day, but I do work out more than ever before and I feel better for it. Last night, during the show, I worked out for 50 minutes. 30 minutes of step aerobics and 20 minutes running with my Wii Fit. Thank you Biggest Loser for inspiring me.

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