Thursday, January 5, 2012

Charging forward!

First post of the New Year! Yes, I know I'm a little slow, but that's life.

I've been in a bit of a funk through the holidays. Not that they were bad, but because of this air cast on my leg, it's kept me from being able to do my regular workouts and I started gaining weight. Because you know I didn't improve my eating over the holidays. Oh no. I ate what I wanted and when there isn't any exercise to go along with it, the weight comes charging back.

Why does it take weeks to lose 5 pounds, but a mere 5 seconds to put it back on? And it brings friends?

So this year's Biggest Loser is all about "No Excuses", so I guess I can't make excuses either. I should have found alternate exercises to do that didn't involve my leg. Instead, I fell into a funk and basically gave up. But, over the weekend, I bought myself a little stool so now I can sit in my living room and use my weights. I'm going to have fabulous arms! Can you imagine what they would be like if I'd started this weeks ago when I first injured the foot? I'd be giving the First Lady a run for her money. Ok, that might be a slight exaggeration, but still, they would have looked better than they do.

And I am happy to report that when I weighed in at Weight Watchers today, I was down 2 pounds. That's right, 2 whole pounds. Amazing! So now I need to stick with the weights and I'm going to start some light step aerobics since I only need to wear the cast for another week and a half. I'll go slow and only for a short time, but even that little bit should help.

Well that and I've stopped eating junk like it's my last meal.

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