Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Weigh-In Day

It's Wednesday, so you know what that means - Weight Watchers meeting tonight and my first weigh-in since I started the quest for 50 by 40. I'm hoping for a loss this week, but not expecting that it will be too much because of all the stress this past week. I'm especially watching what I eat today though and hoping that this helps me get back on track.

I did walk up to Borders at lunch yesterday and with all the walking at the store last night, I was over 12,000 steps. I can't remember the miles the came out to, but it gave me 3 activity points.

For those who don't know much about WW, you get a certain number of points each day. Everything you eat has a points value. You need to eat your alloted points each day. You also get 35 bonus points for the week that you can use any way you'd like or not use them at all. And then you can earn more points by exercising. I get 25 points per day base. I will be honest, I'm not the best at keeping track of my points. I try, but sometimes I guesstimate. I should use the online tools more, but I don't really have the time. And when we eat out on a Friday night, I almost never know how many points are in that meal. It's a lot of work, and my goal is to push myself to the point where I'm counting the points religiously. Wish me luck!

With that said, I guess I should go log into and log my food for today. That would be a good place to start on this goal to count my points.

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